The Benefit of Dental Education Hands-on Courses
There are many options for dentists to choose for postgraduate education. But it has clearly shown that only Dental Education Hands-on Courses are having a significant impact on the growth of dental practices and on the implementation of new skills and techniques.
While conferences and lecture seminars show what is possible in dentistry, it does not mean that new skills are taken back to the practice. Seeing what is possible does not mean that one knows how “to do it”.
Therefore, the return on invest for educational cost, closing the office, and leaving the family is less than it could be. The maximum ROI in CE comes from attending hands-on courses – it is the gold standard of continuing dental education with the most benefit for the dentist.
Upgrade your Clinical Skills and Significantly Elevate Your Practice
Dentistry is a hands-on profession. To develop new skills, only hands-on education can achieve this progress with the result of developing higher confidence for better patient care.
Hands on courses are the best opportunity for personal interaction with instructors and colleagues. This educational format creates a field of great energy, direct support, motivation, encouragement, a sense of achievement, and comradery among like-minded peers.
Through lecture, demonstration and practicing procedures, a topic will be discussed, exercised, and feedback can be given. This process accumulates profound knowledge, upgrades clinical skills and results in higher competence and confidence returning to the practice.
Why the Interdisciplinary Dental Education Academy – IDEA as your source for Dental Education Hands-on courses?
In rapidly evolving dentistry with constantly developing new techniques and technology, it is important for dentists to have a reliable source of knowledge, clinical expertise, and science as the basis for their education.
The Interdisciplinary Dental Education Academy – IDEA stands for advanced continuing education at the highest level and represents exactly this demand.
Since IDEA is driven by dentists for dentists, we know your needs.
Benefit from Small Class Size and Personal Interaction
Ideal dental education includes a small class size. At IDEA, we limit our classes to only 16 participants which allows for one-on-one training, individual mentorship, and for maximum benefit.
Hands-on is our strength. You will receive training from world-renowned faculty sharing their knowledge, experience, and expertise with you. At IDEA you are at the forefront of dentistry and the possibility of personal interaction allows that everybody can develop in their own pace. Your success is our mission.
Whether you are just out of school looking for strong mentors or you are well experienced and looking for new inspiration, IDEA’s concept of one-on-one mentoring with focus on your upgrading clinical understanding and skills, will get you from where you are to where you want to be.
IDEA - Dental Education with a Personal Touch
At IDEA, hands-on education goes beyond just the course topic. IDEA courses are designed to provide a relaxed atmosphere for personal interaction. You can discuss cases, techniques, and issues relevant to your practice with world-renowned instructors and like-minded peers.
Professional interaction with colleagues is inspiring and leaves everybody highly motivated, with great enthusiasm and new friends. Communication and exchange continue after the courses.
“Hear it, See it, Do it” – brings New Clinical Skills and Innovative Ideas to your Patients
After lecture and demonstration through practicing in hands-on, you will start to ask new questions, and you will acquire an elevated understanding and skills. All to take back home with you to your practice and patients.
What you feel, you will remember. You will not only train your hands, but also your brain and you will gain increased confidence. IDEA’s hands-on dental education will forever change the way you practice, since it is exactly designed for this.
You and your patients will share your increased excitement for higher level, more predictable and long-term stable dentistry, and on top, your patients will become your referrals.
Why Four-day Courses?
Four-day dental courses allow you to deepen a specific subject so that you return to your practice with a clear understanding and able to make your own clinical decisions in different or even challenging situations, because you learned biologic principles and concepts, based on research, long-term clinical experience, and latest developments.
You will immerse yourself in a subject to accumulate in-depth knowledge provided by a world-leading clinician. To become the best, at IDEA’s ideal dental education, you will mix with the best.
You will spend four full days of education with the best faculty in a certain topic and only 15 other like-minded dentists. This small IDEA group’s size allows for individual training at your own pace and for own needs.
The IDEA hands-on dental education courses are designed to be profound, and the knowledge and skills gained, to stay permanent with you and your practice.
Hands-on Courses at IDEA – Transforming skills and elevating clinical thinking
It is the experience you gain during IDEA hands-on courses, the concept of “Hear it, See it, Do it”, it is the small IDEA group format, the personal IDEA mentorship, the one-on-one interaction with world leading IDEA faculty, the interaction with like-minded peers, the four day format to deepen a subject, and most importantly the IDEA hands-on teaching concept which provides transformation, confidence, and allows for immediate implementation of new skills and ideas into your practice.
“IDEA” allows for immediate implementation of new skills and ideas into your practice
At IDEA, we are here to support you, the dentist of any age and any dental experience, to professionally grow and to develop the practice of your dream.
“I have now followed many classes at IDEA. This place is like no other for continuing education. It has built my skills and confidence. I am able to offer predictable high-quality treatment to my patients with the latest, most up to date knowledge. I can accomplish things that distinguish me amongst my peers. Most all, IDEA has increased my joy of practicing by 100%. “