At IDEA, we are prepared to Welcome our Participants back to the Leading Academy for Continuing Dental Education

The Interdisciplinary Dental Education Academy – IDEA has the safety of all persons entering our facility as a priority. We are following the infectious disease outbreak guidelines as described by the pertinent governing bodies: Cal/OSHA / OSHA / CDC / SMCHealth / CDPH.

Very Small Group Size

IDEA courses have a maximum of 16 participants to allow for personalized 1-on-1 training. This has the added benefit of allowing for physical distancing.

Physical Distancing

Our spacious facility and simulation laboratory combined with the small class size allow for comfortable physical distancing. The participants will be seated at least 6 feet away from each other and the instructor. Everyone has their own workstation complete with a microscope, wide screen monitor and simulation patient. Lecture slides are displayed on each individual monitor and the large front monitor. Every hands-on station is set up as its own office and dental clinic for hand-on, lectures, and one-on-one mentoring.


We have two areas for meals and breaks to allow for physical distancing. We are following CA restaurant guidelines for all dining aspects.

Personal Protective Equipment

IDEA provides fresh masks, gloves and gowns to course attendees daily. Attendees are welcome to bring their own PPE items. Per California law, a face covering must always be worn while inside an indoor public space, with some exceptions such as when one is eating or drinking. The full details can be found on the California Department of Public Health website.


IDEA has posted signs around our facility to help maximize physical distancing and to inform how to protect from Coronavirus.

Minimizing communal items

IDEA provides individualized items to minimize contact with potentially contaminated surfaces.

Administrative Controls

Daily Temperature/Symptom Check

All IDEA employees, course participants, and instructors have their temperature checked and will fill out a symptom questionnaire daily to gain admittance to the facility.

Cleaning/Disinfecting Protocols

We are following Cal/OSHA / OSHA / CDC / SMCHealth / CDPH guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting our facility. All surfaces and areas are cleaned with appropriate frequency.

Employee Training

All IDEA employees are trained to uphold the IDEA Safe Work Practices and Administrative Controls.

We prioritize your Safety while you are enjoying High Quality Hands-on Education

Welcome to IDEA
Excellence Through Passion

Lets Stay Bonded